Our Calendar

Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Dresses

John's sweet aunt Anna made these dresses for the girls for Christmas. Since our camera broke during that time I didn't have authentic Christmas poses of them. They wore the dresses to Mass today for the last official feast of Christmas - The Baptism of Jesus.
Please overlook the condition of my house in the background - sigh.

Poor Leah's been sick with fever for days. She really tried to smile.

Treasure hunt

Anyone who knows me well is aware of what a garage sale/Goodwill/Salvation Army fanatic I am. I just love hunting for bargains and can't bear to pay retail for anything. Yesterday I was looking for bunk beds for 2 of my boys and didn't find them but found these pretty winter dishes. I've been using plain white for several years now - boring but practical. I'm so excited to have found 8 place settings for $0.79 each piece. They're not too Christmas-y so I can use them through winter. It was such fun to set the table tonight.

Sunday, January 4, 2009


John got me a really cool camera for my birthday. My son Josh is helping me figure out how to upload pictures. "WHY SO SERIOUS???"