Our Calendar

Friday, May 28, 2010

The 50 Days of Easter

One of these days I will actually post an event while it's happening, but for now here are some of our spring activities.

The Church celebrates Easter for 50 days concluding with the Feast of Pentecost. Our children's school always has Spring Break during Easter Week. So it is usually a very fun and festive time for us.

We launch into Easter with a Holy Thursday "Passover" meal - lamb, unleavened bread (pita), bitter herbs (spring mix with vinaigrette), apples with cinnamon and raisins (to resemble the bricks that the Israelites had to make), and of course Kosher wine. :-) After 40 days of giving up wine for Lent, that glass of grape wine tastes really good.

There can be no resurrection without the crucifixion. We love celebrating Easter Sunday, the Holiest day of the Church Year, after we have fasted, prayed and given alms for 40 days.

Then, it's Spring Break. This year we went to Fredrickburg for a few days. We climbed Enchanted Rock, shopped, and ate delicious German food.

We also toured the newly updated Museum of the Pacific War. It was very well done and could take many hours to see the whole thing. Surprising for such a small town. I highly recommend it if you are ever in that area.

The wildflowers were amazing this year as we had a lot of rain during the Spring. The Willow City Loop outside Fredricksburg was a beautiful drive.

Now, maybe I'll get around to July 4th in the near future.